SODALab @ UofA (May 2022)

We are the Systems Optimization & Decision Analytics Lab (SODALab) based at the Dept. of Computing Science, University of Alberta (UofA) and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii), Edmonton, Canada. We are committed to optimizing decision-making in dynamic, uncertain, and possibly strategic environments, striving for theoretically-elegant and practically-relevant research based on tools and insights from computer science, economics, and operations research.

In the SODALab, we view much of the modern world as systems of interacting and possibly self-interested, strategic agents (e.g., humans, robots, etc.), sharing and competing for limited resources under different forms of dynamics and uncertainty. This is particularly true for large-scale platforms and markets in energy grids, shared mobility, E-commerce, Internet advertising, and cloud computing, where complex interactions among multiple stakeholders are ubiquitous, robust performance against uncertainty is crucial (e.g., intermittency of renewable energy such as wind and solar), and unexplainable results are generally considered unacceptable, if not utterly intolerable. This motivates the main theme of our research in the SODALab—to develop new algorithmic and computational tools, with formal guarantees on performance, robustness, and explainability, for optimization and decision-making under uncertainty.

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Lab Events

The group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 1pm-2:30pm (MT) at CSC 2-49 (in-person only). There may be occasions when the group meeting will be conducted virtually, and the schedule may be adjusted to better accommodate invited speakers or other circumstances.

Our group meeting is open to anyone who is interested in attending. Click here to view our past/upcoming schedules and information on how to join us. For more information, click here to subscribe to our lab events and annoucements.

Contact Us

SODALab@UofA Dr. Xiaoqi Tan
Central Academic Building (CAB) 385,
University of Alberta,
116 St and 85 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2E8

Lab email list: click here to subscribe
Dr. Xiaoqi Tan
Athabasca Hall (ATH) 303,
University of Alberta,
116 St and 85 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2E8

Email: $ \textsf{xiaoqi.tan}@\textsf{} $